Every first Wednesday of the month
CORE Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Guam EPA Agency, Tiyan Barrigada
For additional information, contact Betwin Alokoa at 671-300-4758 or Betwin.Alokoa@epa.guam.gov
April 7, 2017
PISBDCN presents:How to Prepare a Financial Plan
8:30am – 11:00am
Registration Deadline: 4/5/2017 3:00 PM (ChST)
Fee: $20.00
Location: UOG Jesus & Eugenia Leon Guerrero Bldg. School of Business & Public Admin. Room#148, First Floor, Mangilao GU 96923
A financial plan is the heart of any startup or existing business. It is a culmination of the income statement, the cash-flow projection and the business’ balance sheet. The financial plan is a way to look at a business through a financial lens, which is the view most investors or bankers prefer. When preparing a financial plan, it is not mandatory that you be a mathematician, but you need to understand how the numbers affect a business. This training will provide a foundation on both the financial reports and methodology to develop the numbers for those reports.
Click here for more details and to register.
April 11, 2017
Who is Farm to Table Guam and How Can We Help You?
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Coast360 Federal Credit Union
Community Room, 1st Floor
No Fee
Need assistance with any of the following? We can help!
- Starting a farm
- Writing a business plan (anything agriculture related, even restaurants if you plan on using local produce)
- Budgeting
- Record keeping
- Selling your produce
- Marketing
- Farming tips
- Becoming CORE certified (EPA requirement for properly handling pesticides)
- Becoming registered with the Department of Agriculture
April 14, 2017
PISBDCN presents: Employee Management Training
9:00am – 12:00pm
Registration Deadline: 4/13/2017 12:00 PM (ChST)
Fee: None
Location: UOG Leon Guerrero SBPA Bldg. Room# 129, Mangilao GU 96923
“How to Manage Employee Performance – 6 Elements That Affect Results.” The performance of your business depends upon the performance and attitude of your employees. But it is not simply up to your employees to do their best and meet the expectations. For your business to be competitive and be successful, it is essential to create a system and an environment that enable employees to perform their jobs at their highest level. This seminar introduces six major elements that influence employees’ morale, job performance and loyalty. “How to Custom-design Practical Evaluation Forms” Generic evaluation forms use categories such as job knowledge, dependability, quality of work, attendance, judgment, teamwork, initiative, etc. The format seems simple but evaluators must write substantial amount of comment that supports the choice of ratings and it can be time-consuming. Custom-designed format makes it easier to evaluate performance and minimizes a significant difference in judgment and opinions. Learn how to design practical forms that directly reflect employees’ job functions and specific results. Presented by: Toshie Ito, Owner (Motiva Training & Consulting)
Click here for more information or to register.
April 19-21, 2017
2017 Island Sustainability Conference
The conference will inspire change, facilitate action, and provide a venue for sharing, networking, and collaboration of sustainability issues related to economic, social/cultural, educational, environmental or energy solutions.
More details and registration
April 21, 2017
PISBDCN presents: How to Manage a Business
8:30am – 11:00am
Registration Deadline: 4/19/2017 3:00 PM (ChST)
Fee: $20.00
Location: UOG Jesus & Eugenia Leon Guerrero Bldg. School of Business & Public Admin. Room#148, First Floor, Mangilao GU 96923
Managing other people effectively depends on managing yourself. Better business performance will therefore flow from improving your self-management skills. We have identified 8 different aspects of managing as business – managing yourself, your time, your employees, your customers, sales and networks, solving problems, managing risk, and managing your finances. This workshop identifies the issues you may face in each area, and provides you with practical recommendations for dealing with them. Included in the workshop are several evaluation tools that can be used to better manage your business.
Click here for more details or to register.
April 27, 2017
PISBDCN presents: Introduction to Financial Statements
8:30am – 11:00am
Registration Deadline: 4/24/2017 3:00 PM (ChST)
Fee: $20.00
Location: UOG Jesus & Eugenia Leon Guerrero Bldg. School of Business & Public Admin. Room#148, First Floor, Mangilao GU 96923
Did you ever wonder how do you read a financial statement? Then this is the seminar for you. This training uncovers the mystery surrounding the basic financial statements: profit & loss, balance sheet and cash flow statement. We will review the main components for each report; you will learn how these statements interact with one another and how to understand what the numbers mean for your business.