Jason and Herthan Van Beurden

Hertha Cruz Quintanilla Van Beurden of Paradise Natural Farm was awarded a Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) Grant to expand her farm using a “rotating paddock method” of chicken feeding and grazing. Paradise Natural Farms is a family-run operation developed by Jason and Hertha Van Beurden. As part of this $17,196 grant, farmer Hertha Van Beurden will serve as the project manager. She will be documenting her experiences and educating the community about her experiences with this method of raising chickens.

“I’m really excited to get this project off the ground,” says Van Beurden. “Farm to Table Guam told me about the grant opportunity, and I wanted to give it a shot. I couldn’t have done it without their assistance with the writing of the grant and submitting the application.”

The Van Beurdens run Paradise Natural Farm along with their daughter Mahyao and friend Charles Quintanilla. They began farming in 1998 and through their experiences have grown more interested in sustainability and natural farming methods.

Paradise Natural Farm is a participant in Farm to Table Guam’s Kitchen Partners Program, which provides assistance to farmers and agricultural producers in areas of business development and project planning.


“Farm to Table Guam’s aim is to promote business growth and job growth through agricultural-based businesses on Guam,” says Melanie Mendiola, project director.

“The team at Farm to Table Guam are so proud of the Van Beurden family. They have been supplying our CSA members with eggs since its inception last year. These farmers work hard, and it is so nice to see that federal entities are recognizing their potential.”

Farm to Table Guam Corp. is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting agricultural businesses locally and throughout the Marianas. For more information, visit www.farmtotableguam.org.

For more information:

Cassie Brady
Farm to Table Guam Corp.
(671) 647-0100