A primary objective of Farm to Table Guam’s project, “Tånom, Fa’tinas, yan Sustånsia,” is to create a neighborhood farmers market. This goal was realized September 13, 2014 at the Mangilao Donne Festival.
This market will become a sustainable outlet for distribution of local produce, plants, and value-added products made with local ingredients. Because it is not a swap meet, flea market, or fair, there will be no selling of used goods, clothing, and imported merchandise, etc. The market is designed to be organized, clean, and beautiful! Now more than ever, young adults are interested in fresh, local produce. Our vision is to create a modern and friendly atmosphere that includes customer education on agriculture-related topics.
Farm to Table Guam believes it is very important to create a relationship between Guam’s farmers and the consumer to ensure you know where your food is coming from and trust the chosen method of growing.
The demand is high for local produce, especially that produced by the organic method. Guam does not have an Organic Certified Agent so no produce or product from Guam can be deemed as “USDA Organic Certified.” Farm to Table supports all of Guam farmers and encourages the use of natural pesticides. At future Farm to Table Markets, farmer profiles for each vendor will be displayed. These signs will inform consumers of the vendor’s background and method of pest control (natural pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides). After all, this is what consumers want to know! Farm to Table Market requires all vendors to have the appropriate licenses, permits, and certifications to sell.
Farm to Table Guam recognizes the importance of making local produce available to all of the community. Our organization is working towards accepting WIC vouchers, Quest Cards, and credit/debit Sales. Please stay tuned for when we proudly announce this next step!
What Does the Community Want?
Over the course of the year we asked the community, “If you could change anything about the production and distribution of fresh local produce, what would it be?” Participants responded this way:
The overwhelming response of our survey was to open a farmers market!
When and Where?
Beginning in November, Farm to Table Guam will host a monthly market the first Thursday of each month, with the goal of expansion within 2015. The market will be held from 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. For the first six months, the market will be held at the Mangilao Night Market Site, located next to the Mangilao Senior Citizen Center and Santa Teresita Catholic Church. We understand the convenience of having a market close by which is why we have plans to expand, moving the market to different villages in order for all residents to experience this unique market never seen before on Guam! If you would like to see us in your village, please let us know.
Soft Opening Held at 2014 Mangilao Donne Festival
On Saturday, September 13th, we hosted the soft opening of the Farm to Table Market at the Mangilao Donne Festival. It was a great turnout with people of all ages showing interest in local produce and plants grown on Guam, as well as products made with local ingredients.
Be sure to swing by and support your farmers and value-added producers from around the island!
For more updates on the Farm to Table Market, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or sign up for our newsletter by clicking the blue tab on the left side of this page.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor at the Farm to Table Market, email info@farmtotableguam.org.