Tips on Starting and Maintaining an Organic Garden on Guam
Farm to Table-Guam was invited to write a series of articles about gardening on Guam that were published on Pacific Daily News. Check them out below!

In this article, you will receive tips on how to start your garden, determining whether you want to plant in a container, the ground or raised bed, choosing a location and selecting and germinating seeds.
Farm to Table Guam teaches you how to start a garden (guampdn.com)

If you are choosing not to use synthetic chemicals in your garden, read the article below for tips on using organic pesticides, nutrients and fertilizers.
Farm to Table: Using organic methods in your garden (guampdn.com)

Read the article below for tips to make your garden flourish; how to start your own compost pile or vermicompost (with worms), why you should mulch and the importance of companion planting.
Farm to Table: Compost, use companion planting in your garden (guampdn.com)