Who is Farm to Table and How Can We Help You?

Download our presentation, Who Is Farm to Table and How Can We Help You?
Home Harvest Systems, Farm to Table Guam

Moving Towards Organic

Download our curriculum, Moving Towards Organic, narrated in PowerPoint or PDF.

August 2017 Community Events

Every Sunday Dededo Flea Market 5:00 a.m. to about 10:00 a.m. Farmers Coop – intersection of W. Santa Monica Blvd. and Route 1, or Marine Corps Drive, in Dededo. Asan Flea Market 5:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m./9:00 a.m. Located in Harley Davidson parking lot Every Tuesday Agat Night Market 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Next...
Cassie composting

Home Composting for Guam

By William Ruffin, Farm to Table Guam Volunteer Disclaimer: This article does not deal with municipal size composting (which Guam ought to have!) nor anaerobic composting (composting without air) nor ‘bokashi,’ which is a special kind of anaerobic composting (from Japan) that can deal with meat along with the green waste. You can learn about...
Farm to Table Guam CSA Subscription Box, large share

Win a CSA Box During Chamorro Month!

Biba Mes Chamoru! Celebrate Chamorro Month by purchasing locally grown produce for a chance to win a CSA box March 1-28! How it works: Stop by the Farm to Table Guam booth at the Mangilao Night Market on Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. or Kitchen Lingo on Tuesdays from 4:30 p.m. – 7:00...

Register now for ANA Pre-Application Training in 2017!

Once or twice a year, ANA (Administration for Native Americans, our grant funder) offers grant training workshops. Even if you are not planning on applying for a grant any time soon (or at all), this is still good information to know, especially since this is how Farm to Table was born! You will also learn...
Farm to Table Guam CSA Subscription Box, large share

We made big changes to our CSA subscription program

You spoke and we listened! Smaller CSA subscription boxes? Check! Delivery option? Check! Bi-weekly option? Check! What’s new with the Farm to Table Guam CSA subscription program: Small share boxes for $35/each (pictured above) Delivery option for $10/week. Plus, get free delivery when you order 4+ boxes to the same address! Get a box every...

How to Cook with Calamansi & Long Beans

By Peyton Roberts of The Guam Guide Somehow I missed the boat and didn’t discover calamansi until way too recently. I was at the farmer’s market at Chamorro Village and bought one bag of green and one bag of orange. “The orange ones are sweeter. They make great lemonade,” Ken, one of the growers, informed...

CSA 2016: Are You Ready?

Calling all farmers! Join us at one of our meetings next week to see what produce you can contribute to our CSA boxes (produce box subscription service) next year. RSVP at 647-0100 or info@farmtotableguam.org.