CSA Farm in Action
As part of our newest project, “Tanom, Fatinas, yan Sustansia,” one goal is to develop and operate a Community Supported Agriculture Model Farm (CSA). The yield of the farm will be combined with the produce of other small farms and distributed via a subscription service with regular subscribers, by the end of 2014. Below you can...
Project Tånom, Fa’tinas, Yan Sustånsia
PLANT, PREPARE, SUSTAIN! PLANT: CSA Farm One goal is to develop and operate a Community Supported Agriculture Model Farm (CSA), the yield of the farm will be combined with the produce of other small farms and distributed via a subscription service with regular subscribers. Through the creation of the CSA farm, farmers can expect increased...
Join us Thursdays at Mangilao Night Market!
We are introducing our newest project, Tanom, Fatinas, yan Sustansia! Come by our booth to learn what this project entails and see how you can be a part of it. Whether you are a farmer, food-processor, kitchen owner, or a consumer, we would love to meet you and see how you can help us, and most...
2013 Annual May Harvest
If you were at the Annual May Harvest on May 8, you’ll agree that it was a smashing success. The farmers provided the best of their crops. The culinary students delighted our taste buds with their delectable dishes. The crowd was eager to enjoy all that was prepared for them.